
Showing posts from September, 2019

Two-Way Learning

When I first started working in the writing lab as a writing lab consultant, my expectations for the position were very different from the experiences I have been through.   I envisioned myself sitting at a desk next to an apprehensive freshman, guiding them through the ins and outs of topic sentences and thesis statements.   Don’t get me wrong, I have gone through this scenario dozens of times, but I now realize the opportunity for learning is so much greater than I had originally thought.   In the past two semesters, I have found that my original assessment of writing lab practice was a bit skewed.   I have since come to the conclusion that tutoring is truly a two-way street of learning, rather than the one-way flow of information I had previously envisioned.   I have had so many sessions where both the student and I have come away with valuable knowledge gained through discussion in the writing booth.   This should come as no surprise, as there are countless ways in which students