WCJ Live with Harry Denny & Anne Ellen Geller, this FRI., FEB. 21, 3pm Eastern

This just in from the International Writing Centers Association:


Please join us for WCJ Live with authors  Harry Denny & Anne Ellen Geller this FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, at 3pm Eastern/noon Pacific. Login and other important information follows:

For a session abstract, author bios, and a link to Denny & Gellar’s recent WCJ article "Of Ladybugs, Low Status, and Loving the Job: Writing Center Professionals Navigating Their Careers," check out The Writing Center Journal’s website at http://writingcenterjournal.org/ (Click “WCJ Live” on the homepage banner.) 

To join Friday’s WCJ Live session, click or copy and paste this link:

The following information may be helpful as you prepare to log in to the session:
If this is the first time you will be using Elluminate, you may be prompted to download some software which may take anywhere from 2 to 20 minutes depending upon your Internet connection speed. You can pre-configure your system with the required software by going to the support page located at:http://www.elluminate.com/support/   Please make sure your computer has a microphone and speakers to be able to talk and hear while you are in the Elluminate session.

Like all synchronous online meeting platforms, Blackboard Collaborate runs using Java.  Given security vulnerabilities, most systems require users to explicitly give permission each time Java is opened.  The following link walks users through installing Java and giving it permission to run: https://sas.elluminate.com/site/internal/installinfo/user.  Some universities set their firewalls to block Java applets.  If you receive error messages in the process of installing, please contact your local IT personnel.


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