PeerCentered FlashMob, IWCA Rendition

By popular demand*, PeerCentered, the blog for, about, and by peer writing tutors will be holding an IWCA rendition  the PeerCentered Flashmob on Saturday, November 11, 2017 at Riverwalk A in order to celebrate Coffee & Tea. Coffee and tea will be available. Ok, ok, PeerCentered makes no claim to actually sponsoring the coffee and tea that IWCA is kindly providing us, but we are happy to celebrate it by FlashMobbing. 

Come get your gold sticker!  Dance if you want to!  Don't dance if you don't want to!

Be quick, though, the PeerCentered FlashMob doesn't laze around.  It is over in exactly five minutes.

 *Does one person count as "popular demand?"


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