Writing Center Blogs

Jackie Grutsch McKinney recently wrote to the writing center email list WCENTER inquiring about blogs that folks in writing centers make use of. Here are her results:

Hi all,

A couple weeks ago I asked if any of you were doing public writing center blogs. Since quite a few people indicated to me they were curious, too, I'm sending what I've collected.

Here are the public blogs:

Mercy Reading and Writing Center: http://mrwc.squarespace.com/center-and-margin/ (Jennifer Wells)
MTSU: http://processingthecenter.blogspot.com/ (Rachel Robinson)
St. Joseph College: http://ecaetutoringsite.blogspot.com/ (Judy Arzt)
College of Lake Country: www.clcwritingcenter.blogspot.com (Jenny Staben)
Wright State: btw2 (Beyond the Written Word) and writing.bytes. (David Bringhurst)
Ohio University: www.thewritersblockparty.blogspot.com (Talinn Phillips)

And, there are some wikis:

JCCC Writing Center: www.jccwc.pbwiki.com (Kathryn Bryne)
Saddleback College: http://saddleback-writing-center.wikispaces.com/ (Julia Bleakney)
Pomona College: http://projects.pomona.edu/writingcenter/ (Dara Rossman Regaignon)

Others have described internal blogs, like a tutor training course blog: http://english38840.blogspot.com/ (Claire Hughes) and University of Manitoba http://survivaltips.blogspot.com/ (Anita Ens).

Others have described starting to use a blog but struggling to get tutors to write for it.

And, of course there is the PeerCentered blog: http://bessie.englab.slcc.edu/pc (Clint Gardner) which is open for all peer writing tutors.

Thank you so much to everyone who responded. I'm working on a presentation for ECWCA on using Web 2.0 technologies in writing center work and having these examples helps me imagine different possibilities. If any of you have other creative things you're doing with Web 2.0 stuff, I'd love to hear about those, too: jrgmckinney@gmail.com.

Jackie Grutsch McKinney
Ball State University
(WCENTER posting, 3/19/2008, 9:13 am, http://lyris.ttu.edu)


  1. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Thanks for the sites! I'm going to check them out :)


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