Preparing for Writing Fellows

At The Studio, we have a program called Writing Fellows. How the program works is that each consultant who participates is assigned a group of students from a class. From our assigned class, we're given a group of students and we then look over the students' papers and give them written feedback in letter format. After the students have been given time to look over the written feedback, we offer the students a face to face consultation with their fellow.

This week will my second time working with the Fellows program. The first round of fellows went pretty rough for me but I think we're successfully ironing out the problems and making progress with the process. Although, the whole process of Writing fellows can be stressful at times, I find the the whole experience extremely beneficial and rewarding as a consultant and as a student.

The main reason why I find Writing Fellows so rewarding is the written feedback. I've found a love with written feedback because it gives me the ability to look over my feedback and perfect it. I find this very beneficial because it gives me the capability to think more about what the student is writing and to think more about what they're doing properly and improperly, compared to a regular consultation where I am given a limited amount of time. Written feedback has also given me the ability to take the time and analyze what I am trying to communicate and decide whether or not I am communicating the message sufficiently or not. I find this benefit invaluable in that it gives me to ability analyze the current strategies I use during consultations and improve on them. I also believe that this benefit will also be invaluable in my future as a student and as an employee in my career, as verbal and written communication is exceedingly important.

I'm excited to see what this next round of Writing Fellows will present. I think that no matter what occurs, this program and the experience it gives will be beneficial to myself as a consultant.


  1. What is interetsing to me, Tyler, is that we in writing centers seem to be pretty squeamish about giving written feedback to writers rather than solely conducting a conversation with a writer. Our online writing center here at Salt Lake Community College, for example, has two options: an email response or a live-onine response using a/v over the Internet. While the a/v stuff has only recently come into the fore given the sudden expansion of high speed internet access/availability, the live system is still not used at the level of our written response. What this means, frankly, is that nearly all of our online tutoring is a written response first. We've spent a great deal of time determining how to craft such responses, and have come to the point that our repsonses are more like letters of discussion rather than "correcting" as a teacher might do.

    Perhaps that is the reason we (well I) have been so sketchy about responding in writing to student writers? Is it that it takes the writing center to the level of the teacher instead of the level of the peer?

  2. Thank you for share this informative post.


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