Student Writing Center Service Learning Project

 Ever since my first semester at the Salt Lake Community College, I found myself enamored with the Writing Center. I so admired the tutors with all their writing skill and ability--mostly, though, I admired their confidence. I'd go to the Writing Center for help and advice on my writing assignments and end up fantasizing  that some day I would own what I knew about writing and feel that kind of sureness. Little did I know at the time that I would be a Writing Center tutor before leaving college.

The Mentoring Writers course covers so much information, I think my head might explode from all the information. I'm sure this feeling is intensified by my eagerness to be an immediate expert of all the information we're being presented with. I put this course off 'till my last semester, while I built up my confidence. In hindsight, I wonder if I would have benefited from taking it sooner. I never would have guessed I'd learn so much about my own writing process by exploring strategies on how to mentor, and by actually mentoring, other writers. In fact, I didn't even know I had a writing process. I think people, especially myself, often do things--even things they do well--instinctively. When you actually learn what's behind that instinct, you have the ability to apply your skills more proficiently. That's how it works for me, anyway.

The centerpiece of the Mentoring Writers course is a service learning project. My project took place at the SLCC Writing Center.


  1. Very impressive presentation! Ten gold stars for you!

    1. Thank you, thank you! I appreciate you kind words!

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I enjoyed your power point. It was informative and helped tell what you had done in the class, well done. :)

    1. Thanks Emily! This was a fun course and I enjoyed having a small class were we students were able to get to know each other a little. Good luck in the future and perhaps I'll see you around in the Writing Center.

  3. It is awesome blog.


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