Invitation to Participate in Research on the Working Conditions of Peer Tutors!

Peer tutors in writing are invited to participate in a research project that aims to investigate the working conditions of all non-tenure line, contingent college or university writing center workers or workers at similar kinds of centers (e.g. communication or  multiliteracy centers). Eligible participants include student peer tutors; directors whose positions are non-tenurable (i.e. faculty, term, temporary, interim, adjunct, clinical, visiting, instructional, and affiliate); assistant directors (staff, faculty, or graduate assistant); staff consultants; and other writing center staff. Your participation will help us identify the personal, professional, and programmatic risks and benefits of contingent writing center positions.

All currently contingent writing center practitioners are welcome to participate. Those who previously held a contingent position--such as being a peer tutor--of any length and at any time during the previous five years may also participate, regardless of their current position or employment status.

Criteria for participation are as follows:
1. You hold or have held in the past five years one or more non-tenure line position in a college or university writing center (i.e. director, assistant director, tutor, consultant, staff).
2. You are 18 years or older.
3. You want to participate in the project.
4. You are able to provide informed consent.

If you fit our criteria for participation, please follow the link below to take our initial five-to-ten minute survey:

Participants will be contacted following receipt of your survey to discuss the details of your participation and to schedule an interview. Interviews will take place at upcoming writing center conferences and through Skype or Uberconference. Participation will be voluntary, and participants may withdraw from the study at any time.


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