IWCW2007 Happenings

We've made a flickr account here at the Salt Lake Community College Student Writing Center and have been posting both old and new pictures. The old ones have made me quite nostalgic. If your Center or you get a flickr account (or have one) let us all know in a comment with your URL.

I have more posts about our activities, and perhaps the activities of others (if I can find any) later.


  1. Anonymous1:58 AM

    The pictures uploaded to flickr - can they be used by other users as stock images for projects?

  2. You can find the terms of use on each individual image. Some of them have reserved copyright, others fall under a creative commons license. The general creative commons license on most of the images, however, does not be used for commercial purposes. Again if you go to the individual images' page you will see the license information.


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