Blogging the conference

I encourage all PeerCenteristas to blog during their time in Las Vegas for the upcoming NCPTW/IWCA Joint Conference. I'll be posting, although I have several official duties that most likely won't let me attend many sessions. I'll also (I hope to have time that is) be conducting some podcast interviews. If I have the time and the gumption, I'll post those on-the-fly! We'll also be having our PeerCentered (facebook) flash mob in the Apollo foyer on Thursday at 12:05. It will last for 10 minutes. Come get your PeerCentered button!

See you in Vegas!


  1. I brought my little mp3 recorder, and my Flip camera, so I'll be doing my best to capture some of the excitement too. Woot!

  2. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I completely forgot about the flashmob! Now I have no button :(


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