The Frivolity of Formality

Over the course of these past few weeks I've come into the question of formality.  This is a crucially important detail in my case, for while I may appear fully able to control myself in writing, my casual conversation is heavily littered with expletives.  I don't know if it's how I was raised, the role models I chose, or just the hand I was dealt, but I find few greater joys than expressing myself with a well placed expletive and more or less speaking like a pirate.  No, I do not kiss my mother with this mouth- we're more of a hug-based family.  Anyway, I've encountered very little casual swearing during the sessions I've observed, and I'm beginning to wonder if it's due to the fact that I'm observing, and because of this the tutor is trying to appear professional and set a good example.  That's very respectable of them I suppose, but I'm a just a kid- my attention span isn't too consistent and I don't exactly have an overwhelming sense of respect for authority and/or formality, so it would be nice if these fine people would kindly drop an F-bomb once in a while to reign in my wandering mind and get me out of my super-serious "present and accounted for" mode.  I'm a firm believer that we can learn better whilst relaxing in a comfortable (not reclined, though, to prevent accidental naps) chair than we can with our legs together, backs straight, chins up and hands held high in salute.  How are you going to wrap your mind around a difficult concept if you're so tense, and so focused on remaining tense?  If I was a writer seeing a tutor, I'd prefer that the tutor wasn't so "matter-of-fact" and "strictly business."  In reality, a tutor and writer working together are just a couple of kids trying to help each other out, and I don't really see any need to pretend it's anything else.


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