I'll take a second to shoot a quick introduction out now. I'm Derek Brown, a first-time peer tutor at the University of Houston-Downtown. I expect to receive a B.S. in Professional Writing this December, then it's off to grad school for me. I'm working in the Writing Center to fulfill an internship requirement for my degree program and I am enjoying myself immensely thus far. Although we are only five weeks into the semester, I've already noticed a general deficiency with subject-verb agreements and thesis sentence construction from my peers. I'm amazed at the consistency with which these problems appear in the writing of first- and second-year students.

Final note: as part of my internship requirement, I am keeping a journal of my experiences in the Writing Center. from time to time I may choose to post one of these brief entries for your review. Who knows, you might even get a kick out of some of my stories!


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