PeerCentered Publication?

Here is something I sent to WCENTER (the list for all things writing center earlier today). Thoughts?

Hi all,

I’m kicking around the idea of having a special publication of PeerCentered and am wondering how many folks would be interested. Basically the journal would be made up articles written by peer tutors writing about peer tutoring issues. No doubt it would be a good outlet for writing center theory and practice courses. If it were successful once, I could see it coming out on an annual basis—kind of the best of peer tutoring journal, as it were. I would prefer to have student editors, but that might be a bit difficult to arrange. Certainly we could have peer tutors serve as assistant editors, or co-editors. I’m also thinking that it will be peer reviewed (by peer tutors no less!)

Anyway, I’m wondering how much interest there would be in something like this? Currently WLN publishes peer tutoring work, as do some of our regional publications, but the special PeerCentered “year book” would be solely devoted to the scholarly work of peer tutors. Perhaps the book could coincide with NCPTW and be “debuted” there?

What do you all think? What the heck am I getting myself into?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think it's a great idea, Clint. I'm certainly interested in thinking further/talking further about how this type of project could impact the peer tutoring course we're now teaching at Florida State. Best of luck.

  3. Hi, I'm a peer tutor over at the University of Connecticut. I think your publication is a great idea. There are so many publications out there from professors, doctorates, teachers, etc, but the peer p.o.v often goes unnoticed. Would your publication include work outside of your university, from other peer tutors?

  4. I,too, think it is a great idea, Clint. I was a consultant at Boise State, and now I am a consultant at Lewis-Clark State College. There are definitely some differences in how consultants operate at each college. I am getting ready to post something on peercentered that reflects those differences.

  5. I think it's a great idea. I'd definitely would be interested in this.

  6. Clint, I like this idea too. I am relatively new to the writing center world, so I don't know what all exists already, but I think your idea could be a very good tool to unify the writing center community. I could see it really taking off. Having it peer-reviewed, of course, is also great! And having peer tutors as co-editors sounds like something I would be interested in. Let us know if you need to bounce some more specific ideas around!


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